
Hi guys, my name is Kirill – I’m a dog groomer, and I’m here to help your doggies look brilliant!
Before my immigration to Australia, I had been working as a volunteer at a Dogs Rescue Centre with vets, trainers and dog behaviourists. Altogether we were making dog’s lives happier and healthier for many years. When I moved to Australia, I realised that I missed being around happy doggies’ faces.
Eventually, I obtained an Australian groomer’s certificate. To be honest I’ve shaved my head for most of my adult life – maybe that’s why I love to work with hair which I don’t have =) Long story short – I’ve completed building a salon on wheels, “ASAP” with everything I need for high quality grooming.
I’m located on the Sunshine Coast, with bookings available now. I can be at the time and place most suitable for you.
Moreover, you can book grooming sessions for after 5pm, until late in the evening.
Also for my customers convenience I give a choice where to groom – at dog’s owner place (onsite job fee apply) or at my spot in Buddina, QLD (with no onsite job fee).
I am here for you and your doggies! You are always welcome to call me for enquiries and appointments.

Bath and blow dry


Full grooming
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Hi guys, my name is Kirill – I’m a dog groomer, and I’m here to help your doggies look brilliant!
Before my immigration to Australia, I had been working as a volunteer at a Dogs Rescue Centre with vets, trainers and dog behaviourists. Altogether we were making dog’s lives happier and healthier for many years. When I moved to Australia, I realised that I missed being around happy doggies’ faces.
Eventually, I obtained an Australian groomer’s certificate. To be honest I’ve shaved my head for most of my adult life – maybe that’s why I love to work with hair which I don’t have =) Long story short – I’ve completed building a salon on wheels, “ASAP” with everything I need for high quality grooming.
I’m located on the Sunshine Coast, with bookings available now. I can be at the time and place most suitable for you.
Moreover, you can book grooming sessions for after 5pm, until late in the evening.
Also for my customers convenience I give a choice where to groom – at dog’s owner place (onsite job fee apply) or at my spot in Buddina, QLD (with no onsite job fee).
I am here for you and your doggies! You are always welcome to call me for enquiries and appointments.

Bath and blow dry


Full grooming
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